When man and woman have lived together until they have a child. They can identify that the child belongs to who. The mother side has no problem because she can prove that it’s legal. In any case , the child is the rightful heir or heiress of mother while the father is difficult to prove . That is why , the law has the presumption, for example, the child was born while woman is the wife of man, it can be considered that he or she is the legal child. In another case, the marriage of man and woman who have their own spouses will make the marriage invalid . Or this case , the court has the judgement of the marriage been invalid in any case according to the previous article. The child who was born is rightful. Law is for a man who is a husband registering the plural marriage certificates or registering the marriage certificate before the court sentences that marriage invalid. The presumption like this is used for the case of the invalid marriage ,and the court withdraws this marriage later. Moreover, the withdrawal does not affect to the legal child of man and woman. However, if woman did not register the marriage certificate with the man, they have a baby. He or she is the legal child of woman only. Father is not the person who has power to take care of the child and he is not the rightful representative of the child anyway.
In the case that father and mother do not register the marriage certificate. A child is the legal child of mother only. Law specified the way that makes the child the rightful child of father. In the first step, father and mother register the marriage certificate later or proceed to let father, mother and child go registering to assure that he or she is a child of them later. In this case, mother and child have to consent in front of the registrar only. The age of child has to start from 7 years old and over 7 years old and he can consent (can answer the questions of registrar) They can contact to request for registering the acknowledgment of children at the district office. The last one, it lets father, mother or child sue to court. The court has the judgement that the child is legal child , after that it shows that father or child is legal.
In the case , they performed orderly as mentioned above. It affects to the child who is legal since he or she was born. The result of legal child of father and mother causes the valid results in law. There are a lot of benefits for the child who has the right to get educational fees , expense of medical treatment , the right of heirloom. At the same time , father and mother can use the custody of children and can be the legal representative.