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Putting In Jail

If culprit or offender commit an offence and He or She is detained by policeman. According to criminal procedure code that legislates rule and specifies the time for detaining an offender that is “ Do not detain more than necessary according to behavior of case of an offender. By the inquiry officer has power to detain an offender only 48 hours since he or she arrive to Police station. If do not get permission to release for a time or if the inquiry official need to detain more than 3 days for waiting to investigate completely.

The inquiry official or government attorney is the person who has duty to file a petition asking for putting in jail to the court, request for warrant of detention of an offender for the court ask to offender that he or she has objection or not. The inquiry official or government attorney may be called by the court to explain the causes as well as the evidence witness to consider also. The following specification detained period:

  1. In case of criminal offence that has penalty high imprison not more than 6 months or fine not more than 500 baht or both

  2. In case of criminal offence that has penalty high imprison more than 6 months but not over than 10 years or fine more than 500 baht or both. The court has power to order for imprisonment several times continuously. But for a time not more than 12 days and when combined do not exceed 48 hours

  3. In case of criminal offence that has penalty high imprison more than 10 years. Even if it has fine penalty or not. The court has power to order for imprisonment several times continuously. But for a time not more than 12 days and when combined do not exceed 84 hours

When the court ordered 48 days of imprisonment if government attorney or the inquiry official file a petition to request to imprison afterward by reasoning causes. The court will order to imprison when the government attorney or inquiry officer showed the cause and brought the evidence witness to show to the court for inquisition.

In part of asking for permission of putting in jail for first time the inquiry official or government attorney has to take the offender or defendant comes to the court to ask for permission and if there is a second time onwards that regulation of Chief Justice influences to ask for permission by usingVideo Conference system for putting in jail that an offender or defendant do not have to go to the court.

Thank you for good information : Office of Justice and Criminal Procedure Code page.

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