Why Thais Have Assemble Infrastructure Fund of Thai Future (TFF)
When requirement of people in country about public utility and welfare is increasing and government has policy to response requirement of...
Popular Questions About TFF Fund
Many investors may know TFF fund or many people may use to hear name of fund before. People who interest in joining to invest with this...
Understand Profits Before Paying "Taxes" (PART 5 – FINAL)
How to reduce taxable net profits so that we can save taxes as much as possible and legally? 1. Recording financial transaction correctly...
Understand Profits Before Paying "Taxes" (PART 4)
We believed that many investors are confused. What is the perfect number to fill out on the form? The more digits you write down, the...
Understand Profits Before Paying "Taxes" (PART 3)
For tax calculation, the law specifies that a business must deduct from an actual expense and must follow the regulation. Normally, a...
Understand Profits Before Paying "Taxes" (PART 2)
Having an amount of profits, how we consider informing the Revenue and how much taxes we need to pay? The last couple months were a...
Understand Profits Before Paying "Taxes" (PART 1)
“Profit” is a financial gain from a business operation. It is also the best-known measure of success and stability in the business since...
Value Added Tax: VAT System and Duty of Entrepreneurs (PART 3 – FINAL)
Is our business cost higher than other entrepreneurs after registering the VAT as we have to pay VAT every time we purchase goods or...
Value Added Tax: VAT System and Duty of Entrepreneurs (PART 2)
From the previous articles, we already know what the criteria for tax registration are, whether our business is exempt from VAT, or...